Marine Fishing License

Nonresident Recreational Marine Fishing License (NRMFL)

Hawai‘i has joined other ocean states in the country and now requires a license for recreational ocean fishing for non-Hawai‘i residents. The license is easy to get at the Department of Land and Natural Resources-Division of Aquatic Resources (DLNRDAR) website at The cost is $20 for a 1-day license, $40 for a 7-day license, and $70 for an annual license. Nonresident youth under 15 years of age and all active-duty military personnel and their families do not need a license.

The license is expected to bring in about $1 million annually and will be used exclusively to help support fishing in Hawai‘i, including fish aggregation devices (FADs), artificial reefs, stock enhancement, and other DAR fish restoration projects.

License Details

The NRMFL will be required for any non-Hawaii resident to fish for, take, or catch any marine life for recreational or non-commercial purposes. A resident would be anyone who has:

(1) established their primary residence and worked in the State continuously for a period of twelve months or longer immediately prior to applying for, or obtaining a license or permit


(2) filed or paid the individual’s State income taxes for the previous tax period


(3) has established domicile in the State, as evidenced by documentation showing the individual’s address, including:

(A) A valid driver’s license
(B) A valid identification card
(C) A valid school identification card or
(D)Any other official document issued to the individual within the last thirty days from a government agency, financial institution, insurance company, or utility company in the State.

Exemptions include:
A) Non-residents under the age of 15 years and
B) Members of the U.S. armed forces on active duty in the State, their spouses, and their minor children

For more information about any of our ocean fishing charters or to schedule your next fishing trip, call us today.

(808) 696-1604 or (808) 479-9016